Cartridge filter housing - The importance of regular maintenance & filter Cartridge replacement


Filter Cartridge is considered the heart of the filter. It is tube-shaped filtration hardware enclosed within a housing and used to extract the contaminant/particles from liquid. The cartridge is exposed to water, liquid, or solvent that needs filtration, as it flows inside the housing and passes through the filter element. Cartridge filters can also remove submicron particulates. In many cases, Cartridge filter housing can be used as a final purification step.

Why it’s Important to Replace Filters

Replacing filters regularly or as required, ensures that your filtered system continues to work competently at eliminating contaminants. When the filter gets clogged or cartridges are not replaced on time, they become less effective at filtering out the contaminants and chemicals present.

Being a reputed Cartridge Filter housing manufacturers in India and we contact our customers every year to upgrade their Filter cartridges.

How to change your filter cartridge

While replacing make sure you have a certified technician to do it. If this product is not assembled correctly, problems can occur.

·       ->  Shut off the inlet and outlet valves to eliminate system pressure.

·      ->   Open the vent valve this will allow excess pressure to bleed off.

·        -> Drained the housing before accessing the cartridges.

·      ->   Open and remove the lid

·        -> Remove the used cartridge. Empty filter bowl into the bucket.

·        -> Remove O-rings, if damaged, replace it, and make sure that it is in the proper position

·        -> Install new cartridges. Remember to twist the cartridge into the base of the housing, so that they lock. Replace the lid, and tighten it properly.

·        -> Make sure that the drain is closed when refilling the housing, and the vent is open.  Open the inlet, and leave the outlet closed.  Flush system for several minutes before use.

·        When the housing is full, and no air bleeds through the vent, close it and open the outlet.

·        The housing is back up now.

Just remember that a filter cartridge life varies depending on its usage and liquid conditions. Changes in color and flow of the liquid being filtered are signs that replacement of the filter cartridge may be necessary. For our customers, if any of these signs appear, We at GTS Filters & Systems Pvt Ltd recommend calling us.

Need more information or advice? Feel free to contact our Customer Care Team.


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